Why this vídeos and others were made with some issues.
Because of the lies that are running aroung. Donkey´s lies. about the donkeys, about the donkey´s death, drugs, whores, sickness and death. Because of the information and the lies that the pig gave and have been giving to everyone and to the uaasss. Because of the information, the lies that the medias tv PT aassss t cus Mozambique have been giving. Information, Lies, That is why the uaassss made and have been making this videos with some issues. t aasss and other issue and lies.
Why the pig defends the donkeys. Was the pig a donkeys friend? No. it´s a lies. So why. because the pig had to defend itselve, because the pig have its own interests, because the pig it´s against people. People is not on the pig interests. People have been used by the pig, the media pt aassss to clean their own aassses, Clean their aassses because what they have been doing to people, t aasss, conspiracy and all the problems that have been happening to many people. Putting people on the track, conspiring against people, they clean their aasss, the donkey´s aasss and some other rats that are withing the pig interests and job.
Why the pig its important to the uaasss?
The uaassss have interests, politics, politicians, governement, power, law, police, economy and other issues. Municipal and municipes informantion, police information, banks information and access to bank accounts, all kinds of information that the pig can give to the uaasss, are in the uaasss interests. So the uaasss have payed the pig for it.
os algarves lisboa e pavilhão João rocha
dinheiros do clube e extra clube dinheiros de jogadores empréstimos bancários créditos bancarios
departamento medico t aasss, putas e vinho verde, comer e agua t aasss
os algarves lisboa e pavilhão João rocha
dinheiros do clube e extra clube dinheiros de jogadores empréstimos bancários créditos bancarios
departamento medico t aasss, putas e vinho verde, comer e agua t aasss
The media, as well, it´s on the uaasss interests, information, lies, conspiracy and aasss cleaning. Dispersing all the issues, against people, mixing information, changing the issues, turning everything against people. using the media, creating confusion, conspiring and cleaning their aassss.
mixing everything and everyone. in the movies and tv series, the pig aasss was the pig aasss, now, the ussaaasss it´s mixing everything and everyone, cleaning what it was, who was in the movies and tv stories, now, the pig aass it´s the donkeys aasss, mixing everything and everyone, cleaning. it´s all about the pig´s assss, the donkeys asss, its all about, interests
mixing everything and everyone. in the movies and tv series, the pig aasss was the pig aasss, now, the ussaaasss it´s mixing everything and everyone, cleaning what it was, who was in the movies and tv stories, now, the pig aass it´s the donkeys aasss, mixing everything and everyone, cleaning. it´s all about the pig´s assss, the donkeys asss, its all about, interests
Clown neighbors, the t aass job. sons of a bitch job, it´s the neighbors job. T aasss Monkeys, dogs and the braasss t aasss fedes aassses.
O Jesus foi campeão no Brasil, não por causa do Jorge, do jorge jesus ou de um palhaço qualquer. O Jesus foi campeão, porque o Brasileirão Ama Jesus. Jesus Cristo. Cristo Rei. Deus é Português, É Brasileiro. Todo o Mundo apostou em Jesus. Flamengo. O Senhor Florindo Café O Brasileiro A Gramel Pasteleiria de Brasileiros Portugueses Musica Bralileira de Portugueses, Jardim 25 de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio Tejo
Vizinhos palhaços filhos da puta t cus macacos e macacas t cus
um dia destes um dos vizinhos vai ter o t cu no cu
vão brincar ao t cu com o cu da mãe deles, vizinhos de merda, monte de merda t cus palhaços
tcu barulho canalização no cu
cegos surdos e mudos
palhaços filhos da puta t cus
os vizinhos são os cáes, tv PT aasss, cães palhaços
se são, puta que vos pariu, filhos da puta palhaços t cus
Puta que vos pariu.
The lies, the interests, information, media, publicity, the Money, the power, politicians...O Jesus foi campeão no Brasil, não por causa do Jorge, do jorge jesus ou de um palhaço qualquer. O Jesus foi campeão, porque o Brasileirão Ama Jesus. Jesus Cristo. Cristo Rei. Deus é Português, É Brasileiro. Todo o Mundo apostou em Jesus. Flamengo. O Senhor Florindo Café O Brasileiro A Gramel Pasteleiria de Brasileiros Portugueses Musica Bralileira de Portugueses, Jardim 25 de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio Tejo
Vizinhos palhaços filhos da puta t cus macacos e macacas t cus
um dia destes um dos vizinhos vai ter o t cu no cu
vão brincar ao t cu com o cu da mãe deles, vizinhos de merda, monte de merda t cus palhaços
tcu barulho canalização no cu
cegos surdos e mudos
palhaços filhos da puta t cus
os vizinhos são os cáes, tv PT aasss, cães palhaços
se são, puta que vos pariu, filhos da puta palhaços t cus
Puta que vos pariu.
22 it´s your mother aasses, sons of the bitch, t aasss assassines
t aassses tv PT aasss pjaasss mpaasss
Pig Media tv newspapers publicity politic politicians governement laws siraasss pgraasss mpaaaa pj aasss
you can put the fbi aassses in the pig and in the donkeys aasss. in the tv PT aasss sick aassses.
the fbi can put the atms in the pig and in the donkeys aassses
publicity and bets prizes
the fbi PT aasss can put the news, the information, the t aasss, the movies and tv series in the pig and in the donkeys aasses
the fbi can put the devil in the pig sick aasss and the donkeys saints aasses
The clowns pigs braasss monkeys donkeys t aassss constituem um perigo e sáo uma ameaça para a vida da pessoas
Há que previnir as pessoas para este perigo e por estes palhaços filhos da puta t cus em prevençao. bloquear estes animais aniquilar os t cus

paulo aa amarelo
os amarelos e o t aassss no cu do paulo sick aasss
t cu dos burros amarelos do estoril
t cus os amarelos dos media pt aasss
Durante anos as Pessoas foram as Pessoas, os Amigos, a Familia, o Henrique, a Lola, o Ricardo, o Gonçalo, a Diolinda, a Helena, o Rui e o João, o Pedro, foram uma Nação para a USA.
As mentiras e os interesses, mudaram isto tudo.