quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2016


Peter Team

Francis Team

Team DE

Team Es

Team JP

Maico, Textil Enterprise

Computer MS-DOS


Apparel Machinery and accessory references data

The message it´s the same as it´s already at NIN6. However there are some different pictures, images on this message here

NGR have worked at Maico Textil Blue Team Enterprise. 
One of his jobs was to enter data into the MS-DOS Computer

San Francisco is right. However there´s some uassss work on this image. What´s the reason for it and why?
The uaassss have been at NIN6. The uaassss have been working in some issues. Turning everything and everyone´s issues and stories into other things and into the animals issues and stories.
Mostly, it all have to do with the t aassss. brown science and all the interests that are above everything and everyone.

Maico Mike NGR

Someone´s lovely pictures in wich the animal made some art works.
but the message have to do with the Jap t-shirt and music

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