domingo, 17 de julho de 2016


"BBC" - Horizon 2016 - Ice Station Antarctica
Antarctica is the last great wilderness. It's the coldest, windiest, driest and most isolated place on Earth. And every winter, for over three months of the year, the sun never rises.

But it's also home to the British Antarctic Survey's Halley Research Station.

A veteran of living and working at Halley in the early eighties, BBC weatherman Peter Gibbs

makes an emotional return to the place he once called home.

 A place that, during his time, was key to the discovery of the ozone hole.

""The ozone matters, because it does one critical thing. It shield all life from the earth surface from the sun harmful UV ultra violet radiation""

The journey starts with an arduous 12-day, 3000-mile voyage onboard the RRS Ernest Shackleton. Once on the ice shelf, Peter is delighted to finally arrive at the futuristic research station and marvels at the cutting edge science being done at Halley today. From vital discoveries about how our lives are vulnerable to the sun's activities, to studying interplanetary travel and the threat of man-made climate change.

But Peter's journey is also something of a rescue mission. The research station's home is a floating ice shelf that constantly moves and cracks, and the ice shelf has developed a chasm that could cast Halley adrift on a massive iceberg.

Sputnik Moon Orbit Soyus Mir

The Race to Ruin
Horizon, 1981-1982
First transmitted in 1981, Horizon examines the US fear that the Russians are ahead of them in the space race and that they're developing beam and laser weapons capable of hitting targets on earth from space platforms.

This is part of a selection of archive programmes charting America and Russia’s attempts to reach for the moon and beyond, as both competitors and allies.

There´s sand in the dept of the glass of water

Life creation

BBC Documentary
Universe, Big Bang, Sun, Stratosphere, Ozone, Earth and all the other planets known, Moon , Magnetic fields, Fire, O2, Water, Life, animals, Human and so on.
All this things and much more, were not thought, created and made by the devil.
There´s something or someone higher than Human kind.
Why all the planets known have the form of a sphere and not any other form´
The sun!? Was the sun placed on the universe to illuminate the earth and to warm us because of the dark and the cold of the universe?´
Sky, colors, sunlight, moonlight, sunrise, sunset, day, night, wind, clouds, rain, thunders, lightnings...?
There are lots of questions for which we still don´t have any kind of answer. We only have thoughts, uncertainties, doubts and questions. Even Science did not gave the answers to the questions that we have.
Terra, oceans...

Earth Moon


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