terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2016


There are lots of Rock and Heavy Metal melodic songs that would sound perfectly and wonderfully played by an orchestra. There are bands that instrumentally sound very very good. Voices that sound and whisper in our feelings and music lyrics that sound in our minds.
I like classic music. Classic music it´s melodic, it´s mostly instrumental and i want to live my life within melodies and within all the good memories that it may bring and give to my life. There are voices that talk and sing to people. Classic and rock music, it´s a dance that dance and have been dancing with people along the years of their lifes. Music inspires people, it give visions to people. It´s like a portal to other dimensions, to other places and to other lives. Music give place in mind to people´s wonders and the fantasies that come within it. It´s a ballet on the horizonte, a dream with wonderful landscapes, beautiful and inspiring people, beautiful dancing people. A dream with wind, rain, lightning, thunders and sunlight.
Classic and Heavy Metal music played by an orchestra, have been a dream that i´d like very much to dream since a long time ago. Some Heavy Metal bands have already done it and Iron Maiden have my bless to do it.
My father´s Classic music and others and my music, mostly rock and heavy metal played on the black box at the living room were for me an inspiration. The Heavy Metal orchestral idea and dream came from it.

Guitar. Bass and drum solos

When you walk on the street or wherever you may be walking, walking along the banks of a river, walking in a hill or walking in a mountain, when you travel in a train or in an Heli Copter, any kind of sound, lyric and image can give and can be an inspiration to you.
The voice, the sounds and the songs lyrics, stories and messages can also be a portal and give some kind of inspiration to  you.
So, you can fantasie, dream or a make a filme, a song or a concert from anything that may inspires you.

Black Box
HR Classic albums
NGR Heavy Metal albums
Melodic Classic Metal Metal Classic

Tio  Agostinho

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