sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2018


Kommer han fra Germany Deutschland? Is he from Germany Deutschland?
Is - Er /   /  Fra
He - Han
She - Hun
From - Kommer - Kom - Come
Fra han kommer Germany?
 Kommer Germany han fra?
Han fra kommer Germany?
Kommer han Germany fra?
Fra Germany kommer han?

O__O       O__O        O__o

  Dere er flinke! You're smart, or clever!
Dere er flinke  - You are good

Jeg kan snakke norsk. - I can speak Norwegian.
I can learn the Norwegian language.
Jeg kan laere det norske sprâket

At least, try.    TRY     T

Hun gikk gjennom vinduet og sa, god morgen. Gjenta studiene med kjaerlighets ord, det er den beste mâten ã laere pâ. Norsk spâk, er et godt sprâk. gode mennesker. La oss studere, gi meg a kyss. Ikke send studiene dine ut av vinduet. Jeg er glad og fri til â vaere her i Tyskland med deg i dag.
Hun gikk fornoyd giennom vinduet

Hun dro lykkelig gjennom vinduet

She went through the window into my room and said. - GOOD MORNING. Repeating the studies with words of love, it is the best way to learn the Norwegian language its a good language. Norsk, It sound Good. Good people. Vikings. Let's study, give me a kiss. Do not send your studies out of the window. I´m happy and free to be here in Tyskland with you today.
  She went out from where she went. She went happily and pleased through the window and in the garden, loudly, she said. - See you, student.

Ethnicity in Switzerland
German, French, Italian,... Portuguese 250.000 and Asian. 
Japaneses and Chineses and they are JP CHI Americans, living and working for the Americans in Switzerland. They are not "Union Specials", cause they don´t work for the blue team. Well, they are Specials ones. I like them.

Oslo to Bergen, Norway by Train through the mountains and Boat through the fjords

Wonderfull travel, beautiful landscapes, places and people. Trains, hills, houses, cows, mountains, snow, rivers, boats, fish, ships, oceans. Beautiful colors... Travel, one of the things i like most to do.
 Hot chocolate, sugar, milk, croissants, Trroblerone chocolat. Sumo de laranja, Doce de morango, framboesa, laranja, cereja, salchichas, manteiga, pão, ovos, atum, arroz, massa, fiambre, queijo, um fogão camping gaz, tachos, cafeteira, umas cadeiras, uma mesa, talheres, pratos, copos, guardanapos, saco de cama, colchões de esponja e tenda de campismo, tudo dentro da mochila. Carta de campista, seguro automovél e de viagens, rodas, gasolina e boa viagem.

Denmark HR Sweden Finland

8th oil producer in the world. Gas, minerals, natural resourses, earth, wind, water, fish, meat.
Beautiful people. Vikings

Telenor comunications

North sea, Artic.
Missils army

uaassss Norway $ $ $ $

                                                                               meoaasss filhos da puta 
                                                                           burros e porcos

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