Black Box Boite Noir
93 Treasure 37 NGR
Boit noir
Musik et quelques autres bijous.
Boit à musique
Treasures safes
Boits noirs Black boxes
Treasures safes
It seams, that since a while ago some of the constitutional laws have been changed in Switzerland . The fortunes safes, are no longer / no longer are in higher secrecy. Many safes have been open, for reasons that only the
La boit noir de Dieux God´s black box
La canzioni Universo. Una bella musica Italiana.
Buon Ano Italia

Who´s behind / within this changes´
Suisse Gard´ Switzerland Guard´ Governement´ Politicians´
The Chineses´
Fortunes Golden Country
HR Freres & Stoles Chieff Owner
Geneve Lac Lausanne Pays-Bas Nederland Holand Amsterdam
Belgique Bruxelles
Belgique Bruxelles Union Europeeene
Tunels Caves Mines Bunkers
Who was the mother fucker that fucked it all´
It was, we were dinning, me, carrots and spaghetti, cause i didn´t had money and i had to wait until the end of the month to recieve the salary. I only had a fiew coins that my mother could give to me and gave it to me. The carrots were the carrots as well some vegetables that the chieff used to give and leave for his workers at the work place. I spend two weeks eating carrots and spaghetti. I bought salt and the spaghetti at the supermarket, the tachos and the frigideiras were and are very expensive to buy, things are very expensive in Switzerland. So i had to ask if one of them me emprestava um tacho to do the cook, After to much ask and their arguments they emprestaram um tacho, We were three at the guys at the house where we lived, where we sleep and the mother fucker. we were at the table.dinning, the fourth, the mother fucker drink wine at the dinner, then whiskey. the mother fucker went crazy, there was a discussion and he called the chieff, the mother fucker told a story that he creat and the chieff did what we thought at that momment.I didn´t understood what he told to the chieff and the chieff didn´t told anything to me, just to pack my bag in the next morning
it was what i did, i went to the work place, they payed me and then i went to paris. i spend two weeks in Paris, trying to find a job, eating and sleeping in a aurberge, where i made some friends, some were on hollidays, others, studing and others were as well like me, searching and trying to find a job. travel tickects from switzerland to paris, food, aurberge and transports, the money from switzerland run out, it was good money but it wasn´t enough to spend more time in paris, so, i came back to lisbon
looking back and looking to the present, they were and they are, the same mother fuckers of the present days.
a aa aasss tv jornais t cus
who was the mother fucker´a portuguese mother fucker, an animal, there is and there will be always a mother fucker in any person live, a mother fucker like the animals doing their job
sons of a bitch
the mother fucker was there to make the animals sons of a bitch job
i wasn´t use to wake up at five in the morning and to go to work. it was a little hard for me, but i did went to work every morning. However, there was a day that i took a while to prepare myself to go to work. we had a car, freres & stoles car, to go to work, and that day when i was closing the house door and they were inside the car, carrinha they just run, i called them, but they left me there. i took the road on feet. i took one hour or more to went in the work place, because the house is far from the work place. however i had to go to the hospital to make a treatment, so it took me another hour on feet to go the the hospital
it was when i met the chineses, doctors, very nice and good doctors, they took care of me very well, robotic, bionic and mind japaneses science doctors some scratches in the hand and arm, that needed to be treated, why i went there´ because this happen, when i tryed to get inside the carrinha i run to get inside the carrinha box. I jumped, trying to enter in the car, carrinha, but it was to hard for me to hold, the mother fucker that was driving, i think it was nuno, just run faster and faster.
After all that happen, i still went to work, i told to the chieff what happened, he just place me to work and i didn´t went in a fight againsts the mother fuckers.
When things are organised and made by others, and animals are within it, there will be always something wrong that will happen.
don´t put your ass, your mother´s ass, in places you don´t belong. it´s already understood that all have to do with your t aasss job,
you are the shit, the trash, the garbage, the rubbish, the ass in all of this, but you you didn´´t and you don´t see what you are, you are a piece of shit
People have to do things on their own. pack a bag and go to where ever people think that will be a good thing to do, to where ever people think that will be a good place to go and live, to where ever people want to go. find a shelter, a place to stay, to sleep, to live, find food, a work place, a job. earn money, live on their own, make friends, live a life, find a girl, a women, have a family...
Freres & Stoles was one of the greatest life opportunities that i had in my Pumpkin life.
93 Treasure 37 NGR
Boit noir
Musik et quelques autres bijous.
Boit à musique
Treasures safes
Boits noirs Black boxes
Treasures safes
It seams, that since a while ago some of the constitutional laws have been changed in Switzerland . The fortunes safes, are no longer / no longer are in higher secrecy. Many safes have been open, for reasons that only the
La boit noir de Dieux God´s black box
La canzioni Universo. Una bella musica Italiana.
Buon Ano Italia
Who´s behind / within this changes´
Suisse Gard´ Switzerland Guard´ Governement´ Politicians´
The Chineses´
Fortunes Golden Country
HR Freres & Stoles Chieff Owner
Geneve Lac Lausanne Pays-Bas Nederland Holand Amsterdam
Belgique Bruxelles
Belgique Bruxelles Union Europeeene
Tunels Caves Mines Bunkers
Who was the mother fucker that fucked it all´
it was what i did, i went to the work place, they payed me and then i went to paris. i spend two weeks in Paris, trying to find a job, eating and sleeping in a aurberge, where i made some friends, some were on hollidays, others, studing and others were as well like me, searching and trying to find a job. travel tickects from switzerland to paris, food, aurberge and transports, the money from switzerland run out, it was good money but it wasn´t enough to spend more time in paris, so, i came back to lisbon
looking back and looking to the present, they were and they are, the same mother fuckers of the present days.
a aa aasss tv jornais t cus
who was the mother fucker´a portuguese mother fucker, an animal, there is and there will be always a mother fucker in any person live, a mother fucker like the animals doing their job
sons of a bitch
the mother fucker was there to make the animals sons of a bitch job
i wasn´t use to wake up at five in the morning and to go to work. it was a little hard for me, but i did went to work every morning. However, there was a day that i took a while to prepare myself to go to work. we had a car, freres & stoles car, to go to work, and that day when i was closing the house door and they were inside the car, carrinha they just run, i called them, but they left me there. i took the road on feet. i took one hour or more to went in the work place, because the house is far from the work place. however i had to go to the hospital to make a treatment, so it took me another hour on feet to go the the hospital
it was when i met the chineses, doctors, very nice and good doctors, they took care of me very well, robotic, bionic and mind japaneses science doctors some scratches in the hand and arm, that needed to be treated, why i went there´ because this happen, when i tryed to get inside the carrinha i run to get inside the carrinha box. I jumped, trying to enter in the car, carrinha, but it was to hard for me to hold, the mother fucker that was driving, i think it was nuno, just run faster and faster.
After all that happen, i still went to work, i told to the chieff what happened, he just place me to work and i didn´t went in a fight againsts the mother fuckers.
When things are organised and made by others, and animals are within it, there will be always something wrong that will happen.
don´t put your ass, your mother´s ass, in places you don´t belong. it´s already understood that all have to do with your t aasss job,
you are the shit, the trash, the garbage, the rubbish, the ass in all of this, but you you didn´´t and you don´t see what you are, you are a piece of shit
People have to do things on their own. pack a bag and go to where ever people think that will be a good thing to do, to where ever people think that will be a good place to go and live, to where ever people want to go. find a shelter, a place to stay, to sleep, to live, find food, a work place, a job. earn money, live on their own, make friends, live a life, find a girl, a women, have a family...
Freres & Stoles was one of the greatest life opportunities that i had in my Pumpkin life.
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