quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2020



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Music - R.E.M. - Living New York
Video images and lyrics laughing 16

Landing 5

                                                        Moon River T

Canada Space Robotic Arm
Marina and The Diamonds

Seattlee Salo Lake                                                              


Yesterday fishing day
35º Celsius Sunny Blue Sky
Then a cloud eclipsed the sun. A cloud that brought a Heavy rain fall for about five minutes.
The sun rised again for a while. Then another cloud drop Heavy Rain once again over me. It refresh my mind as well the waters. Fish time. A Very good fishing day. A well spended day. Travel, walk, sunligh, rain, fishing.
A tasted lunch today

Billions and trillions. Numbers that are far beyond the real budget numbers. The real bills serial numbers.
White House Budgets. Expences. Governements wash machines. From one to another, a wash. The real numbers that the Americans will never ever know and will never ever imagine. How much its spend in unnecessary and not in the most important things, like food, healthcare, a house ceiling to everyone, jobs and prosperity for all. The sickness of militarism, of the war games expences in weaponery, billions, trillions that shoulded be used in more important things, in and for people´s lives, for everyone.
U.S. Tresuary Office
Expences, a few coins here and there. Many offices, many wallets with extras. Money that have been buying everything and everyone all over the world.
pigsicks Corruption
Wars, war expences that wash many budgets. Armament, weaponery, tanks, missills, all that can wash every department´s budget.
The scientific t aasssb
Department of defense budget
Nasa budget
Air Force One budget
The secretary budget.

A police officer kills a man and all that the world see is people anger, rage, riots fireing the streets, police cars, vandalising everything, buildings burning, people lootting own people and others, stealing things from stores. This shows how America goes well socilaly and economicaly, povertry, how many Americans live within the capitalisms budgets and dictature_e. Lady liberty is a whore that lives in the land of the free. She´s the television channels and the newspapers porno star. A killer, the t aasss assassine in the zoo.  will be no freedom and peace as long as, clowns, donkeys pigs, monkeys, snakes, ptaasss media, clown neighbors be what they are, clowns, t aass assassines and do what they did and have been doing to people. 

Protests because of what happen its one thing. "Anger, sadness is legitime, its a right". Riots, destruction, looting own people, local communities, local people families, its another thing that have nothing to do with what happen. It show that many people in America live in poverty or with small budgets. Beyond the protest, this have lead them to do what they did. The looting. Saying that "all those that were arested were not from the state of Minneanapolis, that they have come from others states, its not true.The looting started in the happening, in a state, in a community in protest, sadness anger and rage. People don´t come from other states to make riots and looting instatanly. Gas and transports for the  deslocations cost money and poverty only have money for sadness, rage and looting.

Economic and Politic Power
Media information job and toilet paper
State and private interests
Television newspapers publicity politic law
Power Money
Television programs, money prizes, corruption, drugs, sex, blackmail
Salaries, corruption, money prizes, sexual harassement, drugs, blackmail
Clowns ptaasss Clowns neighbors

This is why the divisions, the divergencies, gangs, races, ghettos, cause social problems. Then the  insurgence, happens. Riots, destruction, lootting and death.

Equilibrium 2002
Power militirazation population control..... Civil wars. Divergence, Insurgence, revolt, revolution, civil wars against powers.

Riots - Rage, protest - Consequences - Destrucion, violence, lootting, death
Rage - death
Riots - Against powers, authorities, the use and abuse of power and authotity. There are a lot of animals, a lot of clows in this world, but there´s also dobermens, sicknaass, monkeysm t asss, corruption, drugs and pornostars,state and private television channels and clown neighbors.
Looting - Poverty

Poverty - Unemployment. low wages, cost of living, taxex and the richest sucking the poors
Poverty - Powers, politic, economic powers. Government budgets, expences, taxes...
Television. Job, Governmental and private jobs, Salaries. Publicity, interfering with the markets valors. Prices. With the cost of living. Food, house rent, home care, clouths, dressing... utilities, healthcare, education, with everything.

Powers, money, blood diamonds, budgets, capitalism, militarism, militarisation, povertry, diseases, animals, clowns and lucifers

When people know /  find out about the t ass assassines, about their scientifc mother asses and who are doing it to them, afro braasss clowns, there will be a slaughter. People will slaught all the clowns, all the television and newspapers animals neighbors clowns dogs monkeys donkeys pigs snakes

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