terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2016

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There are names that don´t sound perfectly with the English language
Shelly Solo Soul Sally Çalo Gonçalo
Nuno, sound much better in the music sheets.

1 US 3

It´s hard, for those who speak English to express somethings with the English language.

No, you were not back with something. It was just the place where you parked your car and where you were and where you are. As well, to be "back" in that time, it wasn´t yet used on the television language. Only presently you are using this kind of things and terms on the television, movies, etc.
People know since a while ago that you have been changing and turning things to other people and to other issues. Do you see any animal there´ Can you listen anything´ What do you listen and what are the real issues´ Don´t lie. To lie, it´s a sickness and food for the doctors table.
Doctors´ Where´s and who´s the real problem´
The toilet paper that clean the animals ass.
Where are the hospitals and the doctors´
Where are the animals´

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