sábado, 9 de abril de 2016

Visit to Lisbon, Belem and Palacio de Queluz

Bill & Jorge Sampaio - Palacio de Belem Lisboa

Bill & Cavaco Silva

Bill & Durâo Barroso
                       T a Brussels

Bill & António Guterres

Palacio de Queluz Mirrors living room

We know what we wanted to know
And we say what we want to say
And no one can take it away
We know what we want
And we say what we want
And no one can take it away
I know, i know.

Palacio Queluz Sintra

Palacio de Belem Belem Lisboa

G Emigration

No i did not.

I did not sold Peace and Love t-shirts in Belem. I did had Make Love Not War T-shirts. to sell.

Jeremy Adams

USA China J John Major English Russia

USA, Ireland and British, England wars.

Hilarious talk.

I´ve wait 10 years to hear you tell, that you love me not. that you don´t love me.
Darling, sweet heart, there´s hope for the next 10 years, you still have the Donald to love!

The bills within the budget bills and the Dollar serial numbers.
The budget Trillions depth
Wars, warfare, drugs, the budget washing machines.
Oil splits Irak Oil and BP
European Union countries Bills, Embassies, NATO, Military bases, Defense programs and projects, construction... science and investigation, TV series. (How many people died and will die for the uaassss scientific experiences´) and politics, Corruption... Wars, conflicts, confusion and civil wars creation. Lots of bills.
Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, Panama, Mexico Chile, Argentina, Paraguay
South Korea
Scandinavia, the Nordic countries, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark
Memphis Grizzles

This message explain why some things and some organizations, privates, governments, politicians, media, television and newspapers are more important than other people and the interests that are above everything and everyone. Media, from here come their Pseudo-Powers, ideas and thoughts. People have no powers... Organizations, privates, the media tell want it want to tell. and to inform.
Money is power...

Without money you don´t eat and drink, you can´t care about your living, your health and many other things. You don´t live.

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