sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2016



Taxi Car - Jocé Rabbit - 4209 AG

Shelly G 16 Door
                                                                            Professor John Peter
                                            Blue Orange                      Orange Orleans


Blue Orange


What´s the secret´
Here´s a great Mormon wine for Madame Mére. Mére Mãe Mom

HR Kitchen Lizzard - Osga
Professor John Peter
 Iron Maiden - Can I Play With Madness

Pedro Silva P

Blue Team


On the radio, mom said, No Nuno.

Hospitality in my fine music - Even if some of his music records were hide and stoled by the tv series

A blue car and green tomatos.

Harper Rose 5 times Canada Canuk
5 HR 5 Lola birthdays days.
Get on 16

Chris Stevens. He played the song on the radio Gig.
14 16

... ... ... the reaper...

Mea culpa

Canadian bacon! What´s that´ It´s Ham.
Bacon or cheese, everything turn into Ham

Castor vs Beever

What´s the matter with Quebec´
It´s "I remember" "Je me souvien"
Anglais French

Radio on the living room

Holly´s personal business travel - Alaska Blue

Castor Smoking


The Thin Soldiers - NGR Honor Guards
HUMMM Mountain - Lisbon
Henrique Rosa

Schindler play list

Metallica - ...And Justice for All (live Seattle, 1989)

Metallica - Creeping Death ( Seattle 1989 )


So, Why the Pumpkin Rights are so important for some people and not for others´
What this show´
This show that something or someone was out there since a long time ago. Since the 80´s and the 90´s.
What this tell to people´
This tell to people that there was something. There was some kind of feeling, that there was true and reality in people´s mind. Something was going on. Unknow but real.
 Who are the main characters on this tv serie´ What´s the main story´ What this tv series mainly talk about´
The main characters it´s us. The main story, There are so many stories here. So many people here. It talk about some people´s personal lives. About things that happen and were hapening.
Good things and bad things were told. Some real, others not.

What do you want to hide´
The good or the bad things that you told and that you have done´ The good or the bad things that you have been doing to people´
Is there something to hide´ Some kind of secret´ Some kind of paranormal thing to hide´ Some kind of t science to hide´ Some kind of issue to clean´
Are you or have you been trying to clean your hands because that you have sin or because something that you did and now you are trying to clean your hands with other people´ Are you trying to use people for it.did you do or are you doing it´
People say yes.
People know what they know, because someone told them something. And not because they know something.
Mostly of the people always believe in what others tell to them. They believe, even if it´s true or not.
Mostly of the people believe and do what others tell to people to do. They do, even if it´s right or not right.
Neighbors, street artists, supermarkets...

Everything and everyone have be, have to do and have to have something brown. It´s a scientifc job.
Everything and everyone is brown. Is scientificly brown.
So everything and everyone is and have to brown.
Nothing and no one is what it´s or what it used to be.
Everything and everyone is brown.
People question if the brown want to be something or someone else than brown.
People question if the brown don´t life itself or have self estime and if the brown hate so much and feel bad feelings about everything and everyone that´s isn´t brown.

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