sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2021


Play a game with this message. A kind of a mind game. A scrable, a puzzle.


Observe the photos posted below on this message. The images within, the scenar and the images scene and context.

                                Lãs & Malhas - Wools

Watch the youtube videos posted below on this message. Watch, observe and listen.

Belgium: Bruges and Brussels - YouTube

Night Out in Budapest! - YouTube

The BEST things to do in Brussels 🇧🇪🍻 - Handpicked by the locals. #Brussels #cityguide - YouTube

Play the game. Watch and listen the youtube videos, try to find and identify the photos images, scenes and context on the youtube videos and try to make the puzzle. 

Watch a movie of your choice. Its free of charges.

 (Message under construction.  So, it only take a few more minutes, an hour, hours, days, to post those screen images from the three youtube videos mentioned. The others things, movies traillers and images are posted in this message.

Maybe some of you should have better and much interesting things to do in your lifes. You are not interested and you don´t want to waste your time with silly things, like my insignifiant pumpkin little sings, for some people and for some clowns that thave their own interests and don´t want me to do it.

If you´re interested, take a moment to observe this photos.

What goes around, comes around

Then, watch this youtube videos. Things may not be so, so explicit on this videos, however are well under the context of my photos.

What goes around, comes around. This documentary goes from one place to another and then, turn and come back to the same places and the pages visitd before and that are "all" under the context of this photos. Everything meets and crosses in one place. 


Belgium: Bruges and Brussels - YouTube

This next images and some others that i may post on this message, are a conclusion of an analise and a study that Mr Peter did, wrote and devoloped on his doumentary. Here some of the images that are under the mentioned context, 

No, it´s not my imagination or an illusion of mine, the contex is on this documentary, as well on the other youtube videos posted on this message.

Video 1

Belgium: Bruges and Brussels - YouTube

It start Here


The Map

The Dance

The dance

The Dance

                                  Mon    Real

The Tower... bombardment

It end here.


Well. not everything is under the context ....



Video 2

Night Out in Budapest! - YouTube

Video 3

Claudia Schiffer - Elene Cristiansen

The BEST things to do in Brussels 🇧🇪🍻 - Handpicked by the locals. #Brussels #cityguide - YouTube


It end here.

I´m gona take some screen images from this videos to better specify the places and the pages that are under all this context that i´m trying to say, to talk about on this message.

It may take a while, a little bit of time, cause there are and i have many images to specify it. So, it will take a minute to do it, However, this message will ever be conclued. Cause we all always have one more word to say or one more thing to do before we sign the copy right. 

No one writes a book to be a bestseller or make a blockbuster movie in two or three months.

What does this button do?

What does this button do, everyone?

If you have been following my blogs messages, for sure you already have the knowledge about it and you only need to observe the photos and watch this videos to see, understand and believe what i´m trying to say on this message.

Also, i´ll specify the movies scenes that are on the photos images, with some traillers and other videos. 

Below th video traillers with some images also posted.

Gods must be crazy 1980 


The images below are related with the Forest Gump movie trailler and not with the other mentioned videos and photos.


Casa Branca

Cascais 88 89 Cascais 96 98


Dio Doro Helloween Porto

Dio "Alive" Porto


                    NIKE Force Queluz

Gonçalo Nike Madrid Ginastica Sporting Foto


Madrid 80´s


The images above are """related with the Forest Gump movie trailler""" and not with the mentioned youtube videos and photos


Forest Gump 1994

Dance with Wolves 1990

The Dance

The Dance

Indian 1995

Dance with wolves
Last Emperor
The Indian

The last Emperor 1995

Dance with wolves
                         The last emperor

... ... ...


2006                                         2006

                                                                  Casa Branca building door Nº  93 ... Now it´ s Nº 14 


Lancia Delta Integrale


Toyota Celica


Gravel, Ice and Snow.

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