domingo, 9 de novembro de 2014


Ozzy Osbourne Live 1982 - Revelation Mother Earth

Mother please forgive them For they know not what they do
Looking back in history's books It seems it's nothing new
Oh! Let my mother live Heaven is for heroes
And hell is full of fools Stupidity, no will to live
They're breaking God's own rules Please let my mother live
Father, of all creation I think we're all going wrong
The course they're taking Seems to be breaking
And it won't take too long Children of the future Watching empires fall
Sadness the cup they drink from Self destruction the toll
I had a vision, l saw the world burn And the seas had turned red
The sky had fallen, the final curtain In the land of the dead
Mother, please show the children Before it's too late
To fight each other, there's no-one winning We must fight all the hate

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