sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2020

 Second term would be gold. But its on the silver. Gold would be overwhelming. Bronze, the result of a matter and a covid19f issues. No matter what some people may said, say and do about it, its always conterversial, its divisional. Its the division between people. Everybody matter.There will be always movements, voices, againsts, of what ever people may said, say or do. Because, even if its right or wrong,  saying and doing good or bad things, its their fight that matter most, Right or wrong. Matter it´s wrong. Cause everybody matter. Animals do not matter for society, for people´s lives. Matter and covid19f were not a good campagne for this presidential moment, for those who were at the front to speak, on the tv conferencies and newspapers,  about matter and health issues.

Politicly, things seem to have improved, socialy, economicaly... then, matter, caused, disorder, riots, loutting, crime, murders...  and covid19f, death. Issues that have changed the course of this moment. Matter won votes for the wrong reasons for society and everybody civil rights.

Can´t give an opinion about the new player at the White House. I´m not doing it. Personaly, i don´t know him. His personality, ideals... and if will try to be hilarious with issues like matter most. For shore will be seem as the savior angel for what have been happen in America. Matter. riots, loutting, crime. Matter its the main reason and cause of all that happen. What cause matter´ No matter what some may say, its their fight. And their fight is that they matter. They are people, they matter, but matter its taking the place of everyone else place on society. Animals do shit, hide their ass behind third people and turn themselves as angels. People don´t see it, what they are and what they do and give them prayers. 

Lets pray for all the poors, homeless in America and all over the world. The new player will be the savior angel for all the social problems at the Capitol Society.

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