terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2015

No one was going to die

No one did nothing and no one died and the important, wasn´t the family, it was the animals and their job.

Grandmother, uncle, mother, brother, all the family and Peter Pan Blue.
Helena 84 Rui 49
The important was to create other issues, new jobs for the animals and for the animals to keep doing what they wanted. Their job.

Annihilate the family, but giving some prizes to some at the same time to get what they wanted.

Ravage the house
Ana T Hugo T Bruno T
31 22 31
I´m not your father, where ever he´s now, may GOD BLESS HIM
Mama Rosa

The important was, personal and private interests.
The important to people, was to clean the ass in the newspapers, in the information and television news. Private media. Private grandparents, parents and families.

The important was the t aassss of science, Anacon, Hugocon e Brunocon, africa, moçambique, angola, guiné.... brssss aassss.

The important was the use of the cons, as weapons againts other people. To maintain people out of the animals way and giving place for them to do their job.

The important was, the diseases, africa. moçambique, angola, guiné.... brssss aassss.

The important was fernando the donkey. Friends, drugs, whores and diseases.

The important is the aa ass

The important, to clean the animals of all the shit they did and they are doing.

Who the animals blame all the shit that happen and is been hapening´
Why do they blame us´
Do you think that people would do anything against own people.
They blame people of what´
Anything they can get, they blame.
What do they blame´ what are the issues what people they are using´
The wicker ones .con

With all this and other thing, they do their job.

Nails. Who do you think that pay the bills at home´
The animals.
And why´
To keep doing their job on their own interests´

Who are the animals for you in your life and for your family, if you have any in you life´
There´s an answer, SHIT

What do they want´ Why do they ring at your door, what are they doing there´
Who are them for you and who are you for them.
They sickness, T aaassss con important animals interests.

The devil gives and you like it, but in your back the devil took your family to the sepulture with some prizes to you in the middle.


Boyfriend 41

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