terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2015


Ana Jean Diolinda
Helena Rui Helena
Elisiário Aurora

Terra criação de coelhos the galinhas, frangos, ... legumes, fruta ... pão, broa de milho Orleans criação coelhos  galinhas, peixes, patos, esquilos, passaros, ... legumes Quintal 122 Belas Caça coelhos raposas, perdizez

Rabbits, chicks, chickens, fixes, dogs, ducks, birds, squirrels...

There´s a friend, the Rui Rabbit, a childhood friend. It´s been a long time that i don´t see him.
I don´t know how he´s, where he lives or if he´s still alive.
If he´s married and if he have children...


HR Photos



There´s a turtle and other kind of things, it will be here too.
One of the missing ones

The clown
Blue jeans

Everyone has their own story, even the animals ass has it. Stupid animals, casmurros, damn asses, stupid people as well. Yes, there´s stupid people too.
Their greed, their envy, their jeopardy, come always up their asses, t aassssses.

If someone say or do something, the animals have always to argue something. Nothing it´s as people say or do. It have to be their story and as they want things to be.
Ignorance it´s the cause of many things, If you don´t know something, don´t argue with people, just because you have to argue, just because you´re against or because it´s in your damn blood.
Your sickness t aasssss

Are all this pictures above important for you or for the animals´
This pictures are important if it give something for the animals to eat.

What this stupid people, stupid animals know´
What´s in their damn blood´
avidez, inveja, ganancia, cobiça, maldade
Their sickness t aasssses

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